The Hourchive is a Conversation About Everything, one hour at a time.

Ep #214 | Desserts, Antiquated Album Release Strategies, and Tom Delonge's Crazy Eyes

We're sticking our hands into the cookie jar to find out why yellow box cake is better than any other, why we don't eat dessert after breakfast, and why cupcakes are just wrong. 

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The Reflectorium 
03:20 Ep #04 | Toy Stores

The Prefatorium
04:30 Comments: Ep #213 | Nontraditional Games
05:05 White sand. Blue water. 
09:50 The Game Crafter
10:05 Zolk'In

00:00 Blink-182: Aliens Exist

The Percolator
12:15 Tom Delonge UFO interview
14:10 To The Stars Media

33:00 Rolling Stones: Brown Sugar

Feature: Desserts

Ep #215 | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a (Doctor) Strange Controversy, and the Shocking Return of the Misfits

Ep #213 | Nontraditional Games, Conveyor Belt Vacations, and a Superhero v. Superhero Movie That Shall Not Be Named