The Hourchive is a Conversation About Everything, one hour at a time.

Ep #145 | Clubs, A Moveable Feast, and Hot-Buttered Cheerios

Ep #145 | Clubs, A Moveable Feast, and Hot-Buttered Cheerios
The Hourchive

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Show Notes
The Prefatorium
00:50 Comments: Ep #144 | Snacks
02:16 Hot-buttered Cheerios

04:20 Interlude: Sheb Wooley: "The Sun Also Rises"

The Percolator 
05:35 Ernest Hemingway
07:05 A Moveable Feast
10:30 Star Wars: The Force Awakens
15:05 Strange Magic trailer
18:10 Jurassic World trailer

23:30 Interlude: Screeching Weasel: "Cool Kids"

Feature: Clubs
28:10 Frieda Kelly
32:20 Patreon
44:20 Skull and Bones
45:45 The Skulls
51:30 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks

Ep #146 | Tangent: Jurassic World and Star Wars: The Force Awakens Teaser Trailers

Ep #144 | Snacks, Drew's State of the Internet Address, and Hacker Keri